Educational Resources


We offer printed versions of these two zines at our free seed library, to provide information to curious gardeners.

  • How to Grow a Container Garden” — a Southside Community Farm zine
    Feel free to print and distribute our zine on how to create a successful container garden!
    Notes on printing: to properly print zine format, select “print on both sides” and “flip along short edge”.
  • Save Seed” — a zine by True Radicle on seed saving available in English and Spanish.

Youth Curricula

  • What is the Spring Equinox?” — This curriculum was designed for elementary and middle schoolers to do in late winter while preparing for spring at Southside Community Farm. Feel free to use and adapt these resources for other educational opportunities.
  • “Summer Agroecology Fun” — This curriculum includes 7 lessons and was designed for kindergarten through 3rd grade students. It is a hands-on program created to be taught at Southside Community Farm, and works well during summer months when the farm is in full bloom.