In the News and Beyond

Interview with Racial Justice Coalition

Chloë Moore of Southside Community Farm sits in on RJC’s Radio Hour to talk with Mike Holmes about food sovereignty, the challenges and joys of running a community farm, and climate resilience from a farmer’s perspective.


The Final Straw – For the hour we talk about the work of the farm, the legacy of a community farm in the wake of government policies that destroy Black communities, and ways that community members can support the SCF and help it thrive.

7 Years in a Tent – Hosts Star and Sky chat with Farm Manager Chloe from Southside Community Farm about going into farming, getting rest in the midst of tough times, and the risk of Southside Community Farm being dismantled by the Housing Authority of the City of Asheville.

Sweet Tea – Check out Episode 37: Queer Farming and Black Food Sovereignty with Chloe Moore

GoFundMe – Listen to the podcast interview, or read their short article here.

GoFundMe Heroes
Farm manager Chloe Moore holds a four leaf clover from our cover crop

Asheville Citizen-Times

Coverage of 2024 risk to the farm can be found here.

SCF made the front page of the Citizen Times! Read the article, “Asheville’s little corner of agriculture paradise brings communities together” about the farm and our projects here.

Read about the gentrification of Southside here, and the history of the neighborhood here.

Image of Cleaster Cotton, Chloe Moore, and Musa Fardan at Southside Community Farm.
From the article “Southside Community Farm seeks support to keep using HACA-owned land“.

Mountain Xpress

We were included in a discussion about the challenges and backlash faced by community fridges in Asheville in a 2023 article here.

Southside Community Farm and our spring 2022 fundraiser were featured in the Mountain Xpress. Read the article here.

Roy Harris speaks on the value of SCF to himself and his neighborhood in a 2020 Mountain Xpress article. Read it here.

The free fridge at SCF was at the heart of the article “Community fridges face hurdles in Asheville“, though it continues to persevere!

ASAP Connections

Our farm was featured in the “Meet Your Farmer” video series by ASAP. The goal of this series is to educate youth about agriculture through viewing a diversity of farms and farmers. Each mini-episode focuses on just one crop. Check out our video, which is all about growing green beans at Southside Community Farm!


In 2022, we were selected as one of 100 community projects around the country to receive the Lowe’s Hometowns grant. We utilized this support to convert our apple orchard into a diverse food forest and outdoor community meeting space.

The Laurel of Asheville

Read our featured article in The Laurel, “Asheville’s Southside Community Farm Seeks to Create Food Sovereignty” here.

Empress J, owner of Wadadli Dessert Oasis, displays one of her products at the Southside BIPOC Farmers Market.